why was the vietnam war memorial so controversial?

History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. The administration was caught by surprise, however, when Diem was murdered during the coup, which was led by General Duong Van Minh. Based on a program the British had employed successfully against insurgents in Malaya, it didnt work in Vietnam. In 1964 an Ohio woman took up the challenge that had led to Amelia Earharts disappearance. Her only son Robert, an Army draftee, was killed by a land mine on his 21st birthday, June 6, 1968. Vietnam Veterans Memorial, also called The Wall, national monument in Washington, D.C., honouring members of the U.S. armed forces who served and died in the Vietnam War (1955-75). Many pushed friends in wheelchairs. Ike may not have seen the message, but at any rate he was focused on establishing NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) as a wall against additional communist advances in Europe and was intent on securing Frances participation in NATO. The Vietnam War was a divisive and politically polemic war. They were also the most collegial people, who would deliberate intensely but never argue or posture, Spreiregen remembered. During the 1970s, it . The U.S., which had been gradually exerting influence after the departure of the French government, backed Diem in order to limit the area under communist control. Its mere existence would be societal recognition that their sacrifices were honorable rather than dishonorable. And that message got through to me.. By the end of the first afternoon, one of the jurors, Harry Weese, returned to our impromptu conference lounge and told me, Paul, there are two designs out there that could do it.. On the second day, the jury examined the designs together, walking the many aisles and stopping at each of the 232 designs that had been flagged by one or more of the jurors, pausing to discuss each design that had been noted. Descriptions of the desired qualities for the memorial design included harmonious, contemplative and reflective, and again, conciliatory.2 The booklet concluded with the following passage: Finally, we wish to repeat that the memorial is not to be a political statement, and that its purpose is to honor the service and memory of the wars dead, its missing, and its veteransnot the war itself. He would never forget those friends. 3 (August 2004): 122. Vietnam Veterans Memorial - Washington DC We had been friends for a long time, Mathias said. It seemed unconscionable that heor anyone elseshould be allowed to forget. Ibid. Im sure I looked like a deer in the headlights, I was so nervous, Scruggs recalled. The design aroused a great deal of controversy, reflecting the lack of resolution of the national conflicts over the war as well as the lack of consensus over what constituted an appropriate memorial at the end of the 20th century. But, say those opposed, the men represent the women, the men represent all soldiers . In the Rose Garden of the White House, immediately following President Jimmy Carters signing of the bill, Scruggs explained to the press the vision of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF), the non-profit organization that collected and administered the funds for the memorial. The flag-waving crowds even cheered., Over the four days there were also workshops, parties, events, and reunions. Westmoreland adopted a search-and-destroy policy to find and engage the enemy and use superior firepower to destroy him. There is also disharmony between the nay-saying wall and the unequivocally proud flag [] And nothing has happened to make Maya Lins creation look less like what it suggests to some veterans and some non-combatant citizens: an open grave.'9. Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. When Lin asked how many Smiths would be on The Wall, the team realized how important the chronological listing was to the design. Top Essentials to Know About the Vietnam War - ThoughtCo Although Americas war in Vietnam failed to salvage the Republic of South Vietnam, it bought time in which neighboring countries improved their economies and defensive capabilities, and it may have discouraged greater communist activism in places like the Philippines. Only a few, such as the St. Louis Gateway Arch, part of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, had been the result of open competitions. Scruggs and Doubek began having regular meetings with John P. Wheeler, a graduate of West Point and Harvard Business School. Washington, D.C. Aerial view. Some of the juror comments included: Both sides were fighting a war of attrition, so communist commanders sent Hanoi battle reports that often were pure fantasy. This message of personal responsibility, in contrast to governance by an elite group on behalf of individuals, became a hallmark of the Reagan administration. Similarly, casualty totals among the VC and NVA and the number of dead and wounded civilians in North Vietnam cannot be determined exactly. Moreover, could it accomplish all of that while listing the approximately 58,000 names in an artistic, meaningful way? Buddhists, who comprised South Vietnams majority, claimed Diem, a Catholic, favored citizens of his religion in distributing aid. Social critics and commentators quickly picked up and elaborated on Carharts characterization of the memorial. The The design Lin envisioned listed the names chronologically by date of casualty. HistoryNet.com is brought to you by HistoryNet LLC, the worlds largest publisher of history magazines. Furthermore, he explicitly framed his interpretation of the memorial in (perceived) opposition to an explicitly artistic perspective. They were the only father-son pair to die in Vietnam.) On March 5, 1975, the NVA invaded again. Everything has to be thought out and in place before the launch button is pressed.. After Lins monument was dedicated on November 13, 1982, however, it became a popular and moving tourist attraction. Every major engagement between U.S. forces and VC or NVA was an American victory, and the casualty (body count) ratio always showed significantly larger casualties for the communist forces than for the Americans. The chief design criteria were that the memorial be 1) reflective and contemplative in character; 2) be harmonious with its site and environment, 3) make no political statement about the war itself, and 4) contain the names of all who died or remained missing. PDF A New World - US History Options Veterans needed this, and so did the nation. His political party, the Democrats, had been blamed for China falling to communism; withdrawing from Vietnam could hurt them in the 1964 elections. The Vietnam War is the commonly used name for the Second Indochina War, 1954-1975. No government funds would be necessary. Security was improving even as American forces were in the process of withdrawing. The controversy overshadowed the mission and what we were doing, until the Salute brought it all together. By years end, 23,000 American military personnel would be in South Vietnam. 2. Among South Vietnams other allies, Australia had over 400 killed and 2,400 wounded; New Zealand, over 80 KIA; Republic of Korea, 4,400 KIA; and Thailand 350 killed. He also said there would be a pause in the air attacks on North Vietnam as the first step to de-escalate and promised America would substantially reduce the present level of hostilities.. The VC was effectively finished; it would not field more than 25,00040,000 troops at any time for the remainder of the war. It was a direct result of the First Indochina War (19461954) between France, which claimed Vietnam as a colony, and the communist forces then known as Viet Minh. Everyone wanted to join the effort. This grew into the operation known as Rolling Thunder that began on March 2, 1965, and continued to November 2, 1968. The Vietnam Wall Controversy, Round 4, 1982, History on Trial, Lehigh University Digital Library, accessed April 21, 2011, https://digital.lib.lehigh.edu/trial/vietnam/r4/1982/. They stressed that all funds for the Memorial would be raised from private donations. On April 30, 1980, the Senate approved legislation authorizing the Memorial, followed by approval in the House on May 20, 1980. Usually it refers to the period when the United States and other members of the SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) joined the forces with the Republic of South Vietnam to contest communist forces, comprised of South Vietnamese guerrillas and regular-force units, generally known as Viet Cong (VC), and the North Vietnamese Army (NVA). From the beginning, people have left tributes at its base. The division was supposed to be temporary: elections were to be held in both sections in 1956 to determine the countrys future. Frustrated, Nixon ordered the big bombersB-52sto strike Hanoi, beginning December 16 (Operation LINEBACKER). 8. Warner, at the time married to Elizabeth Taylor, had strong connections to both Hollywood and the corporate world. Scruggs took a bold step in contacting Virginia Senator John Warner. By the time he returned home, three months after the explosion, the country was even further divided. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial: from Controversy to Healing Congress swiftly passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution that removed most restrictions from the president in regards to Vietnam. In 1993 the Vietnam Womens Memorial was unveiled a short distance from the wall. The domino fell but did not take down any of those around it. 20. On February 7, 1965, the U.S. Air Force began bombing selected sites in North Vietnam. To achieve this effect she chose polished black granite for the walls. In previous war, progress and setbacks could be shown on maps; large enemy units could be engaged and destroyed. It consists of a black granite wall with the names of over 58,000 soldiers who were killed or went missing in action inscribed on it. The number of parties who claimed direct investmentwhether emotional, psychological, or financialin the site and its future form and use only made the issue more complex and difficult to resolve. The women soldiers the nurses suffered too. Reagans 1981 inaugural speech exemplified the political rhetoric used by his administration to promote his vision to the American public. It was a direct result of the First Indochina War (1946-1954) between France, which claimed Vietnam as a colony, and the communist forces then known as Viet Minh. To its own surprise, Hanoi found its forces advancing rapidly toward Saigon, realized victory was at hand, and renamed the operation the Ho Chi Minh Offensive. Perhaps Lins centralitytwenty years after the construction of the Vietnam Veterans Memorialto the debate over Arads and Walkers design was inevitable, given her presence on the design competitions selection committee as well as her legacy as the definitive memorial builder of the late twentieth century. Perhaps thats an appropriate design for those who would spit on us still. 16. The following February a strategic hamlet program began; it forcibly relocated South Vietnamese peasants to fortified strategic hamlets. He organized the advisors and volunteers into task groups: public relations, financial management, fund raising, legislation, site selection, and design/construction. Marita Sturken, The Aesthetics of Absence: Rebuilding Ground Zero, American Ethnologist 31, no. Rip it apart.. He was an excellent partner and fundraiser. Mathias knew the legislative process. They were also keenly aware that the legislation made the Memorials design subject to the approval of the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA), the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), and the Secretary of the Interior. The Three Servicemen Statue Vietnam Women's Memorial And Vietnam Joe Biden's slogan that it was time "to end the forever war" in Afghanistan was called imbecilic by former Prime Minister Tony Blair.