stefan salvatore kill count

They discuss recent events, acknowledging that now they all know about the cure and will have to work together going forward. But Katherine tells him that he needs to feel, because she needs him to get angry. She says she is happy that she has started over. Sitting on her mom's hospital bed, Caroline learns from Stefan how to live in someone else's memories. Stefan felt so guilty that he tried to take his ring off and was about to commit suicide, until Elena convinced him not to do it. According to Caroline Forbes, Stefan's favorite color is blue. He grabs Monique and threatens Stefan to tell the truth, however, Enzo ends up killing Monique and Matt is beyond fed up. Stefan agrees to move out all of the residents of Mystic Falls in exchange for the Heretics to live in his home. Damon says that everything she says is a lie and that this isn't even her house, because it doesn't look like her. Since he turned in 1864, Stefan had always had trouble controlling his blood lust, that has often become a major problem for him throughout the course of his immortal life. Stefan tells Damon he thinks he was wrong, he definitely feels something for Caroline. Klaus then calls out a teenage girl from behind the crate and forces Stefan to kill her and drink her blood as his initiation. Elena, Katherine, and Amara gather up and Qetsiyah starts preforming the spell but Silas interrupts them and because of his magic the lights in the house go down. The Salvatore brothers find Lily about to stab herself. Once Caroline has taken the bullet out of Tyler, Stefan tells Elena that he is going to find Damon. Julian however tried to stop their growing friendship and even romance, but they eventually have sex for the first time. While they argue Aja is just about to kill Bonnie when Caroline goes and stabs her with her own knife instead. Klaus tells him that they were 'in this together' and proceeds to show him Alexander's Sword, explaining that the sword decodes Jeremy's hunter's tattoo. When Stefan had first met Katherine, when she and Emily had come to stay at the Salvatore Estate, he had become strongly attracted to her and eventually had fallen in love with her, as did his brother Damon. In Welcome to Paradise, Stefan pulls up to his garage to inform his boss he needs a few days off. In I Alone, Damon confesses to Stefan about what he did to Alaric. Stefan Salvatore was always the better brother. It is at the high school that Stefan inevitably and fatefully meets Elena Gilbert, who bears an unusual, and striking uncanny physical resemblance to Stefan's past love from 1864, Katherine Pierce. Then they are back at the Salvatore boarding house and Elena wakes up. His best friend Lexi often brought out the more fun, light-hearted, playful side of Stefan's personality. Damon thinks Stefan is the one who won't be able to handle him taking the cure, until Damon learns that this was all Elena's idea. Caroline shares her concern about Elena with Stefan, and he explains that Elena is channeling all her emotion to rage, and that she'll learn to deal with it better. The remorseless man choked on his own blood as he clawed at his neck in an attempt to stem the flow. Giuseppe, hearing Katherine collapse, entered Stefan's room. He moves into Caroline's house who tells her he can't give up on the cure- or Elena. Later Katherine is looking in the mirror and Stefan arrives, she tells him she is dying and if he thinks she may have some redemption to what Stefan replies that 147 years is a long time to forgive in one night, Katherine looks crushed and when she is about to leave he stops her and takes her hand, telling her that he sorry that she are dying, Katherine leaves the room. Stefan says that they have to save Bonnie but Klaus doesn't agree with that because he doesn't want them to fulfill Silas' wish. Caroline is infuriated to learn that Stefan has been in Savannah for almost two months, not trying to help Damon and Bonnie. Caroline tries to talk to her but Elena interrupts her and says that there's still hope and she has to hold on it because there's no way her brother is dead. After Elena filled him in on the no humanity switch, Damon tries and fails to syringe Stefan. He got stuck in the tomb with Katherine because Bonnie is unable to release the spell over it. This is evident in Stefan when he very quickly and easily became infatuated and fell in love with Katherine Pierce, which is evidence of his youthfulness, naivety and simplicity as a regular teenage human. Stefan's compelled everyone in the bar so Ray is all alone - and refusing to give up the location of his pack. Later, Stefan watches as Damon and Elena begin to dance but as the waltz shifts to a sequence that switches partners, Elena runs into Stefan. In Founder's Day, when the tomb vampires was about to attack the during the Founder's Day festival,, Stefan was affected by the device when John Gilbert started it like all other vampires in town. Lily tells him that she went to Europe with a gentleman friend; Stefan laughs at this because he doesn't trust her type of man. During this time, he begins to grow close to Elena again and they are able to form a close friendship. Stefan was furious that Katherine would do this to her, and was in agreement with Damon that Caroline should die (because of what happened to Vicki Donovan). He hangs up and enters the library where Damon is rummaging around through old papers. Stefan takes Caroline back to her dorm as they continue to make out. Stefan then tells him about Elena's compulsion which shocks Damon but he still has faith that the moment they will meet, everything will be okay again. She tries to calm Stefan but he asks if she has bags of blood, she says that she has some in the car but then Stefan disappears. She also told him about how Julian had found out, and how "He made sure it wasn't a problem anymore.". Stefan switches their positions, pushing her against the wall as a means to distract her until Caroline reaches them, though releasing her when Rebekah holds up the stake, saying she already found her. So the cure ends up at the original family-Elijah and Rebekah go back to Mystic Falls. Elena gave Stefan some of her blood so could be stronger Frederick put a stick into him and almost killed him but Stefan was faster then Fredrick and killed him. He then told Stefan that he had tricked Stefan and had put vervain in his drink after Stefan had asked his father how he knew about Katherine and other vampires existing because "he did not raise his sons to be so weak. Stefan tells Alaric to wait and is attacked by the twelve witches from the last sacrifice, luckily Klaus arrives and saves them from the witches. The death of a vampire could be counted twice if their human death also appeared in the present or past. Unable to control his bloodlust, he spent over 10 years slaughtering his way through North America - including a stint with Klaus and Rebekah in the 1920s - until Lexi pulled him back from the edge. Damon warns that if Stefan carries on, they'll be no saving him, but Stefan says he doesn't need that - though Damon points out that Elena thinks differently. When Connor starts shooting at him, Elena runs at Connor, exposing herself as a vampire. Stefan begs him to heal her with his blood, and Klaus feigns reluctance before cryptically suggesting that Elena might still prove useful to him, and he heals her. Then, Stefan gets a call from Caroline, she tells him that the virus that have Damon and Elena isn't the same virus, Caroline says that Wes was working on the next phase of the virus that when Nadia was sick, he was experimenting on her blood and he figured out a way to extract werewolf venom from her blood and put it in the virus. When the Veil is restored, Lexi disappears, leaving Stefan alone. She decides that it's best if they burn the house down so that way they would have a proper cover story. Back in Mystic Falls Stefan has taken Bonnie to her house and when she wakes up he realizes that she doesn't remember anything that happened after her and Jeremy were trying to get the cure from Silas back on the island from the island including Jeremy's death so the younger Salvatore starts explaining her everything. He left Ivy's daylight ring at Caroline's dorm. Valerie spits on him and tries to light it on fire, but it doesn't work. Stefan Salvatore - 1000+ Times He's one of the most selfless characters in the entire show, and yet Stefan still dies the most in The Vampire Diaries. Rebekah resists, so Stefan asks Rebekah to forget about helping Klaus and to just help him instead. He compels the officer and the man handcuffed who reveals he is a convicted murderer. He's trying to explain that Bonnie is trying to complete the expression triangle and when he does Aja brings out a knife and says that Bonnie has to die and she can't be saved. Physically, Stefan was described to be classically handsome and athletic, with a brooding, mysterious and intense aura. Stefan Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries | CharacTour Valerie was healed of her injuries from Julian's beating by Lilian and drowned herself. Klaus then gives his blood, the cure, to Katherine to be delivered to Damon. In the meantime, however, Rebekah and Elena are already there and they understand that Katherine has compelled the whole town to be her friend and to keep her secret of where she has hidden the cure. You may wish to edit it to improve the standard or quality of work present on this article. When Stefan lost his memories for a spell, Caroline was the only person that he trusts immediately, upon learning about Bonnie's death, Stefan told Caroline that he would always be for her as she has always been for him, Caroline helped to Stefan with all his problems lately. In She's Come Undone, Stefan and Damon are at the house with Elena locked in the safe and Damon playing mind games with her for over an hour and still no emotional response from Elena, Later Stefan is Caroline and she wants to see Elena and Stefan said they are not letting anyone see her and that it was whole point of locking her isolation leads to misery and lead to emotion, Caroline says that she's been there for days and hasn't improved at all Stefan says that she doesn't want to not yet and that she's devastated she's lost her brother, she attacked her friend Bonnie and killed an innocent woman and Caroline said that Stefan knew how to help her Stefan said that he is helping her and Caroline asks him by torturing her and Stefan says its not torture but an intervention and the only chance they have with her is to provoke her to trigger something fear, anger, self-pity or anything Caroline asks Stefan to let her talk to Elena before anymore intervention and that Elena can't hurt her if she's weak and begs him to let her try, later Caroline is with Elena at the basement Stefan wishes her good luck and leaves her with Elena, Caroline says the she brought something for Elena and pulls a vial of blood and gives it to Elena so that it could help think straight and she also adds that she doesn't agree with what Stefan and Damon are doing to her making her suffer to turn her humanity back and its not who Elena is, Caroline says she's not giving up on her and Elena starts to provoke her about that she's the reason that Tyler left town and the he was running from her and not from Klaus and about how pathetic she's going to look in the cap and gown and that she's a repulsive, blood-sucking control freak monster and Elena is attacking Caroline and she breaks Elena's neck and Stefan is behind her and tells him to do what he has to do, later Stefan and Damon are in a room with Elena tied up to chair and they took her daylight ring and they plan on using sunlight to torture her and as Stefan slowly opens the curtain Elena asks if she's supposed to feel scared and Stefan said that she will be and to focus on that fear because its the key to getting her humanity back and she says that they are not gonna burn her and adds that if they get her humanity back she'll remember that they tortured her and she'll hate them for it, Damon says to work risk and Stefan opens the curtain and Elena's skin is burning and Damon extinguishes the fire and asks for any emotion so they can stop it and Elena says that she's going to kill them, Stefan says that they don't want to torture her and she can stop it and its her choice, Elena is provoking Stefan for being the one to pull back the curtain and a part of him enjoys it considering that she dumped Stefan, Damon believes that they are breaking through the tough shell and getting to the center of her humanity and asks Stefan to shed some light into the situation, Stefan is ready to reopen the curtain and Elena says its going to hurt Stefan more than it hurts her Stefan says he knows what she's going through and that she's afraid to face the guilt she feels if she turns her emotions back on and the only way to help is to make the alternative hurt even worse and Stefan opens the curtain and Elena is in pain, later Elena is still in pain from exposure to sunlight Stefan closes the curtain and Damon says she'll thank him someday and after she gets her humanity she'll know that life without emotions blew and she provokes Damon by telling him that the sire bond also blew and going everyday believing that she was in love with him and saying that he was afraid that it wasn't real and says that it wasn't, Elena says to keep torturing and she and Stefan might give their relationship another go and she exposes herself to sunlight Stefan and Damon extinguish Elena from the flames and she says that they won't hurt and she doesn't have to afraid of anything, later Stefan and Damon are at the driveway Stefan sarcastically says that it went well and Damon is frustrated that Elena is being stubborn and doesn't want to turn it back on, even though every vampire does it with out any problems Stefan says that she has nothing to come back to after she lost her home and her family and destroyed her relationships, Damon said that scaring her should have worked and that she's smart and she knows that they won't hurt her and Stefan suggests to bring someone who really will hurt her Damon asks who, Stefan suggests Katherine because she is the reason Jeremy is dead and she's the only who can provoke an emotion into Elena and Damon says that Katherine won't help them Stefan says the she was just abandoned by Elijah and that she has nothing and has no one and that she won't refuse their offer to torture Elena, later Damon and Katherine are discussing what will happen if Elena goes back to her old self when Stefan says the Elena is not in the cell and its revealed that Katherine lost interest in Elena's recovery and didn't lock her in Stefan with Damon and Matt search for her, later Stefan stops Elena for feeding on Matt and Damon has had enough and he's done playing nice and tells her to turn her humanity switch or he'll kill Matt, Elena calls his bluff and he breaks Matt's neck and Elena is crying and she's sad about what happened to Matt and later is revealed to be wearing the Gilbert ring and will come back to life and Elena gets her humanity back, Damon says that she's going to be okay and she remembers what she has done and Stefan stops her and says the he knows the stage the emotions are over-whelming her and that she has to focus on one thing Elena says she can't and tells to find the thing that makes her strong and to latch on to it and channel everything she's feeling into one emotion and to let it in, Elena does what she's told and he tells her to breathe it in and blow everything else out and she's screaming in pain and Damon asks her if she's okay, she says "no" but she'll get better. He then interrupts Damon, "I need your advice, and I need you to not be a dick about it because I have no one else to ask," Stefan says. He later discovered that this is due to the creation of a sire bond between Elena and Damon after Elena's transition to a vampire. Over the course of many decades, Lexi became Stefan's mentor, best friend and companion, and she showed Stefan the 'good parts' of being a vampire; how to live compassionately and reclaim the caring, empathetic person Stefan had been as a human. But he shouldn't get her wrong-he's standing there and he looks good and she remember their sex and it was good sex but she just doesn't feel anything about it anymore. As the powerful witch Emily Bennett had once told him after Stefan had transitioned into a vampire, Stefan's heart was pure and good. Stefan continues the sensual description, explaining that everything is heightened, including emotions, sight, smell, sound, taste and touch. The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get, starts from where the previous episode ended. It turns out that Stefan has begged her to do that as they've heard how reckless the elder Salvatore has become. Flashback again and Stefan is taking Valerie to Lily's grave. She says she doesn't know what she feels. Stefan doesn't want to risk getting caught, but Tyler decides to reveal himself by going up to the podium. However, they reunite in modern day and things become complicated between them due to their history and Stefan's romantic relationship with Caroline. Stefan calls Klaus numerous times until he finally shows up. Damon tells Stefan that he plans on to tell Elena everything he did in her absence and is ready to face the consequences. Brady was stabbed a couple of times by Elena. Caroline wants to know since Valerie is out of the prison world, does that change anything for him? She starts to apologize, but Stefan instead urges her to be honest and admit to where she stands when it comes to him and Damon. Stefan sees Enzo dead lying on the ground, and takes his phone, he sees that Damon had sent a message to Enzo before. Maria thinks that Elena y Stefan are boyfriends but both talking at the same time telling that they aren't together, she assumed that for the doppelgnger prophecy. They both question the man but are unable to figure out who he is and what he's doing there as he's compelled to kill himself, which he does by grabbing Rebekah's knife and stabbing himself. Damon says "What, I'm gone a couple months, you think it's ok to waste a perfectly good bottle of bourbon." He goads the man into bashing him over the head with a beer bottle and then takes his beating until he's bloody on the floor. Elena and Damon then locked Stefan up in the basement to try to get him back to normal. He wanted it to be her and Damon. Stefan wakes to find that Valerie has already been up and talking with the woman. He says to her, "After I bit you I never wanted to feel anything again." Stefan was left behind to believe that Valerie just used him and eventually moved on from her. After receiving a tip that Tripp's men have taken Liz into hostage and ask that they make an exchange. Stefan is known to be the heroic character on the series who is a martyr and is constantly willing to sacrifice himself for those he loves. He was determined to make him suffer as he was still mad at him for making him turn. Stefan then visits his family crypt showing that this whole time he wasn't doing any good. Stefan adds that it's better for Elena if Damon stays locked up, until they find the cure and she's not sired anymore-then they could both do whatever the hell they want. He was often very tender, loving and gentle towards Elena but he was also extremely passionate about her. Katherine was the one who transformed both of the Salvatore brothers into vampires. Stefan will wear more formal clothing, such as suits and tuxedos, if he was either attending a formal gathering/event or a special occasion. After Katherine's "fake death", the heartbreak he endured after thinking he lost her and the continuous tumultuous relationship in which he had shared with his elder brother, Damon, Stefan makes an attempt to run far away and start a new life somewhere else, away from his dark and haunting past. They go to look for her in the forest but can't seem to find her. It is said that he had a horse named Mezzanotte (Midnight in Italian) when he was human. Caroline saves Mrs. Cuddles, although it needs repair work. They see an eighteen wheeler pass by. Stefan then rushes into the house when the out of control Jeremy attempts to stake Elena and pulls the stake from her neck. Even after Damon voices his opinion to Elena herself, Stefan and Elena leave for their camping trip as planned. "It doesn't fucking matter! Stefan agrees to come once he hears Enzo will be there. Katherine was Stefan's, as well as his brother Damon's creator. He meets up with Elena, both rushing to find Bonnie and Damon. Caroline suddenly stands after talking about Tyler's hybrid friends being un-sired, and after talking to through with Stefan, he realizes that Elena is sired to Damon. Stefan then lights a Japanese floating lantern in memory of his Uncle Zach, his best friend Lexi and for Alaric. Stefan talks to Damon over the phone about each other's situations. Stefan and Monique are discussing Sarah's life. When Katherine went to see Stefan that night and bit him so that she could feed on his blood as a form of foreplay, the vervain within Stefan's blood had poisoned and incapacitated her. They younger Salvatore responds that sex wasn't good because they didn't care, it was good because she was crazy and crazy sex is always good. I don't think you can be both". At the same party, he finds Caroline and Tyler fighting, he steps between them and pushed Tyler to the wall to protect Caroline as he sees to Tyler threatens her with starting to turn into his wolf form. Stefan adds that Caroline shouldn't hesitate and snap Elena's neck the moment she sees her. Stefan helps Katherine to discover what is happening to Matt and what are the intentions of Gregor, Nadia's boyfriend . Stefan took her off to the bathroom to clean the blood of her face. After that he was accused by Elena of having killed Brian Walkers, he asks her if Damon has recently killed someone and leaves. He says it looks fine. Caroline and Klaus keep picking on each other and Caroline asks why is Klaus even needed there to which Stefan responds that if they have to face Silas the original hybrid who can't die might definitely come in handy. She does the spell in which she begins to fry Silas' brain. Stefan suggests that Caroline help her, but Elena says that Caroline is too good at self-control and wouldn't be as easy to relate to. Later, once Stefan goes to Caroline's house to see if she was alright, he finds Elena's dead body laying on the floor, he quickly runs over to her, realizing what Caroline has done. Stefan and Damon later join Elena in the woods, where she is digging a grave for Connor's body. In the novels, as humans, Stefan and Damon fight to the death with a sword. At the Gilbert house, Stefan opens the front door to find Elena talking to Damon on the porch. Things escalated, and Caroline and Stefan ended up fighting and Caroline stabbed Stefan in the back with the leg of a broken chair as he was in pursuit of the phone.