nj title 40 police promotions

Section 40:55D-53a - Standardized form for performance guarantee, maintenance guarantee, letter of credit, Section 40:55D-53b - Acceptance of standardized form. Section 40:14B-20.3 - Use of municipal utilities authority funds for joint acquisition of land for recreation, conservation purposes. within grounds of certain camp meeting associations. Section 40:48-8.18 - Exemptions from sales tax, Section 40:48-8.19 - Collection of sales tax; penalties, Section 40:48-8.20 - Ordinance; provisions required, Section 40:48-8.21 - Disposition of sales taxes, Section 40:48-8.21a - Convention hall facility; operating deficiency; payment from tax revenues; limitations; conditions, Section 40:48-8.22 - Territorial limits of sales tax, Section 40:48-8.23 - Sales originating or consummated outside city, Section 40:48-8.25a - Ordinance to adopt provisions of this amendatory and supplementary act; referendum not necessary, Section 40:48-8.25b - Ordinance and referendum adopting provisions of act; approval by voters, Section 40:48-8.26 - Ballots for referendum election, Section 40:48-8.27 - Duration of sales tax ordinance, Section 40:48-8.28 - Cost of referendum election, Section 40:48-8.29 - Ordinance operative without referendum; validity of ordinance to protect bondholders, Section 40:48-8.29a - Ordinances; adoption of supplementary act; operative without voter approval; covenant not to reduce or repeal tax, Section 40:48-8.30 - Fund for repository of moneys paid to state treasurer, Section 40:48-8.31 - Deposit of revenues; dedication and pledge, Section 40:48-8.32 - Deposit of revenues in fund; disposition, Section 40:48-8.33 - Issuance of notes or bonds for authorized facility in eligible municipality or revolving fund by county improvement authority; review and approval by local finance board; filing; conditions; report on tax revenues, Section 40:48-8.33a - Bonds, notes, or lease for convention hall facility; report after issuance; notice to director of division of local government services; certification; payment, Section 40:48-8.34 - Resolution of county improvement authority; certification by endorsement by director of division of local government services, Section 40:48-8.35 - Approval and resolution; submission to state treasurer, Section 40:48-8.36 - Application for change in maturity schedule of bonds, Section 40:48-8.37 - Recitals in bonds and notes; limitation on maturity, Section 40:48-8.38 - Issuance of notes in anticipation of issuance of permanent bonds, Section 40:48-8.39 - Certification of amounts for annual debt service and reserve fund and paying agent; conclusiveness; payment of deficiency, Section 40:48-8.40 - Payments from fund to paying agents; limitations on use, Section 40:48-8.42 - Bank or trust company as paying agent, Section 40:48-8.43 - Pledge or dedication of revenues, moneys or funds held by state treasurer; validity; lien, Section 40:48-8.44 - Eligible municipality defined, Section 40:48-8.47 - Proceeds from promotional fees. Section 40:56A-6 - Studies and recommendations, Section 40:56A-7 - Conservation commission as environmental commission, Section 40:56A-8 - Joint environmental commission; creation by ordinance; members; compensation, Section 40:56A-9 - Chairman; qualifications; term of office, Section 40:56A-10 - Expenses; apportionment; appropriation, Section 40:56A-11 - Functions, duties and powers, Section 40:56A-12 - Succession of established commission by joint commission; transfers, Section 40:58-1 - Municipal forestry; establishment, Section 40:59-1 - Acquisition of lands and buildings; construction, Section 40:59-2 - Rents; use of revenues; deficiencies met by taxation, Section 40:59-4 - Market commissioner; appointment, term and compensation, Section 40:59-5 - Market commissioner; duties, Section 40:60-10 - Property of certain societies transferred in trust to municipality; purposes, Section 40:60-11 - Acceptance of property in trust; appointment of trustees, Section 40:60-12 - Purchase of lands adjoining trust lands; bonds; use of income and proceeds, Section 40:60-13 - Municipality not liable for misappropriation of funds, Section 40:60-14 - Property held in trust for municipality; appointment of new trustee, Section 40:60-15 - Public buildings as memorials; subscriptions, Section 40:60-16 - Ordinance for construction; contributions to be paid before contract executed, Section 40:60-17 - Bonds; annual appropriation; care and maintenance, Section 40:60-18 - Commission to supervise; constituted; powers and duties, Section 40:60-19 - Treasurer of commission; selection and duties, Section 40:60-21 - Title; funds kept separate; disbursements, Section 40:60-22 - Expenses of commissioners, Section 40:60-23 - Plans and specifications; approval by architect or engineer, Section 40:60-24 - Existing buildings for public memorials; acquisition, Section 40:60-25 - Buildings for museum of arts and sciences, etc. Section 40:66A-26 - Banks authorized to give undertaking; deposits. Section 40:37A-56 - Report to governing body; powers limited, Section 40:37A-58 - Compliance of facility charges with terms of lease or other agreement regarding facility; adjustment of charges, Section 40:37A-60 - Purpose of issuance; bonds authorized; pledge of contributions or revenue, or real or personal property, Section 40:37A-62 - Filing copy of bond resolution; publication; effect, Section 40:37A-63 - Covenants and agreements with holders of bonds, Section 40:37A-67 - Negotiability of bonds, Section 40:37A-68 - Act as complete authority for issuance of bonds, Section 40:37A-68.1 - Contract or agreement to meet deficiency in revenues; approval, Section 40:37A-70 - Declaration of taking; effect, Section 40:37A-71 - Deposit of estimated compensation, Section 40:37A-72 - Right of entry and use of land, Section 40:37A-73 - Service of notice; payment, Section 40:37A-74 - Abandonment of condemnation proceedings, Section 40:37A-76 - Actions by municipalities or county, Section 40:37A-77 - Sale, lease, loan, grant or conveyance of, or permit to use, real or personal property of county or municipality, Section 40:37A-78 - Lease or other agreement with authority to use public facilities, Section 40:37A-79 - Appropriations by county or municipality, Section 40:37A-81 - Pledge or assignment of lease or other agreement to secure bonds of authority, Section 40:37A-82 - Exemption of property of authority from levy and sale, Section 40:37A-83 - Payments to municipalities or political subdivisions in lieu of taxes, Section 40:37A-84 - Bonds as legal investments, Section 40:37A-86 - Guarantee of vested rights of bondholders, Section 40:37A-87 - Undertakings for deposits of authority, Section 40:37A-89 - Filing of copy of bond resolution, Section 40:37A-92 - Public transportation facility; employees; self-organization, Section 40:37A-93 - Representation of majority of employees; election, Section 40:37A-94 - Acquisition of privately-owned transportation system; transfer of employees, Section 40:37A-95 - Protective conditions and benefits for employees, Section 40:37A-96 - Labor disputes; arbitration, Section 40:37A-98 - Authorization to engage in public transportation within and beyond county limits, Section 40:37A-99 - Authority deemed a public utility; powers and operations, Section 40:37A-100 - Solid waste disposal systems; applicability of Solid Waste Management Act, Section 40:37A-101 - Selection of site location for disposal system, Section 40:37A-102 - Responsibility for selection of final site; approval required, Section 40:37A-103 - Classification of solid waste facility as public utility, Section 40:37A-104 - Municipalities; use of facilities, Section 40:37A-105 - Exclusion of alternate method of solid waste disposal by municipality with contract with county, Section 40:37A-106 - Legislative findings and declarations, Section 40:37A-109 - Application for loan; forms; contents, Section 40:37A-110 - Priority in grant of loans; considerations, Section 40:37A-111 - Terms and conditions of loans, Section 40:37A-112 - Additional conditions; powers of authority, Section 40:37A-113 - Eligibility for admission to housing projects; periodic examination of income; removal due to excessive income, Section 40:37A-114 - Priorities in eligibility for admission. Section 40:37A-55.2 - Prevailing wage rate for workers employed on projects with county improvement authority involvement. Section 40:41A-35.1 - Filling of vacancy, interim selection pending election of successor. Section 40:37-95.13 - Powers of commission. Section 40:14B-22.5 - Credit toward certain fees provided by municipal authority. Section 40:55D-148 - Real estate market analysis. Section 40:55D-141 - Development transfer plan element, required inclusions. Section 40:48C-15 - Collection of employer payroll tax by municipality. Section 40:9B-5 - Ratification, validation and confirmation of prior appropriations, Section 40:9C-1 - Mass transit or freight line services; counties and municipalities; subsidies; appropriations. 6 Average Rating (based on 88 Burlington Coat Factory Review Ratings) Ratings by Category Company Culture 3. Section 40:54D-23 - Maintenance of projects. Sgt. Section 40:14B-40.2 - Pilot program to allow county utilities authorities to fund infrastructure improvements. Section 40:45A-1 - Date, time of annual organization, reorganization meeting. Section 40:12-15.4 - Lands acquired by county held in trust. Section 40:52-17 - Refusal to grant, renew license; appeal, Section 40:52-18 - Licensing authority, establishment of rooming and boarding house site licensing board, Section 40:53-1 - Official newspaper designated, Section 40:53-2 - Public notices generally; publication, Section 40:54-1 - Establishment; chapter applicable to libraries established under other laws, Section 40:54-4 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:54-6 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:54-7 - Rejection of proposition; second election. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy . Section 40:69A-196 - Repeal, amendment of ordinances. Section 40:48H-5 - Assignment of proceeds to trustee. Section 40:56-14 - General appropriations; contents of ordinance or resolution, Section 40:56-15 - Completion of improvements already begun, Section 40:56-16 - Choice of paving materials; advertisement for bids; hearing, Section 40:56-17 - Joint municipal improvements; agreement; contracts with county, Section 40:56-18 - Notice of intention to make contract, Section 40:56-19 - Apportionment of cost; assessments for benefits; procedure, Section 40:56-20 - Abandonment of improvement; reimbursement of costs to participants, Section 40:56-20.1 - Limitation on proceedings to review or restrain ordinance, Section 40:56-21 - Assessments; by whom made; board of assessments, Section 40:56-22 - Assessment commissioners; when necessary; appointment, Section 40:56-23 - Assessment officer or members of board or commission; oath; vacancies; compensation, Section 40:56-24 - Costs certified to assessors; contents of statement; contributions; total assessment, Section 40:56-25 - Assessors to view improvement; notice of hearing, Section 40:56-26 - Hearing; quorum; amount of assessments determined, Section 40:56-27 - Assessments proportionate to benefits; not to exceed benefits, Section 40:56-28 - Incidental damages; amount determined and deducted; damages exceeding benefits; appeal, Section 40:56-29 - Incidental damages; award tendered; payment into court in certain cases, Section 40:56-30 - Report of assessors; hearing; final report; confirmation; appeal, Section 40:56-31 - Duty of collector; books and records, Section 40:56-32 - Interest on unpaid assessments. ; civil service applicable to employees, Section 40:60-25.27 - Autobus terminals; power to establish; leases; conditions, Section 40:60-25.28 - Use of municipal property, Section 40:60-25.29 - Lands declared to be acquired and used for a public purpose; eminent domain, Section 40:60-25.30 - Private property; purchase or condemnation; bonds; construction cost a municipal charge; fees; rules and regulations, Section 40:60-25.31 - Property acquired to be self-supporting and taxable, Section 40:60-25.32 - Annual appropriations, Section 40:60-25.33 - Cemeteries which are public nuisances; acquisition by municipalities and boards of education, Section 40:60-25.34 - Cemeteries detrimental to public health or morals; possession by municipality, Section 40:60-25.36 - Use for park, school purposes or other public uses, Section 40:60-25.37 - Proceedings where church or other corporation controlling cemetery is unable or refuses to convey, Section 40:60-25.40 - Removal of bodies and reburial; records and maps, Section 40:60-25.41 - Taking of possession, Section 40:60-25.42 - Commissioners to appraise land; notice, Section 40:60-25.43 - Cost of removal of bodies and of new site; lien; payment of difference to lot owners, Section 40:60-25.44 - Report; objections; notice, Section 40:60-25.45 - Objections to report, Section 40:60-25.46 - Borrowing money; bonds, Section 40:60-25.51 - Acquisition of land and buildings for use by municipality, county, State or United States; courts; lease, Section 40:60-25.52 - Financing of acquisition and improvement; acquisition of facilities for use by county or courts, Section 40:60-25.53 - Historic sites; acquisition and maintenance, Section 40:60-25.54 - Acquisition of lands for future school sites; approval, Section 40:60-25.55 - Future school sites; use for public purpose pending conveyance to board of education, Section 40:60-25.56 - Consideration for conveyance to board of education, Section 40:60-25.57 - Acquisition of real property for use by State-operated college of medicine or college of medicine and dentistry, Section 40:60-25.58 - Declaration of taking; filing; deposit of estimated value; surrender of possession; notice; amount of compensation, Section 40:60-25.59 - Relocation assistance program; services, Section 40:60-25.60 - Payments to displaced persons, business concern or nonprofit organization, Section 40:60-25.61 - Abandoned burying ground or cemetery; application for order vesting title in municipality, Section 40:60-25.62 - Inquiry to locate owner; certification, Section 40:60-25.63 - Vesting of title in municipality, Section 40:60-25.64 - Maintaining and preserving burying ground or cemetery; interments; disinterments, Section 40:60-28 - Sale of vacated street land; advertisement unnecessary, Section 40:60-28.1 - Riparian lands purportedly dedicated as street; sale when not needed, Section 40:60-32 - Vacation of lands dedicated to public use other than a public street; referendum, Section 40:60-33 - Referendum; notice and publication, Section 40:60-34 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:60-35 - Fee restored to owner to be absolute, Section 40:60-36.1 - Lands restricted to beach and park purposes; retention or disposition; referendum; optional courses, Section 40:60-36.2 - Lands conveyed with conditions, limitations and restrictions; election on retention, Section 40:60-36.3 - Offer of reconveyance of lands conveyed with conditions and restrictions, Section 40:60-36.4 - Use of lands conveyed with conditions on refusal of offer of reconveyance, Section 40:60-40.6 - Reconveyance of unneeded lands to nonprofit hospital association, Section 40:60-40.7 - Persons whose residential improved property is to be acquired for highway or other public purposes; application to buy unneeded lands, Section 40:60-40.8 - Ordinance authorizing sale; price; terms and conditions, Section 40:60-40.9 - Contents of notice of pendency of ordinance resolution authorizing sale and conveyance; reversion of title, Section 40:60-41 - Public burial grounds devoted to other public uses; disinterment of bodies, Section 40:60-46 - Leasing municipally owned and operated casino and bathing establishment; referendum, Section 40:60-49 - Advertisement for bids; award, Section 40:60-49.1 - Lease of cultural centers; exemption of leasehold interest from taxation, Section 40:60-50 - Transfer of municipal property to federal government for national park, Section 40:60-51 - National park; referendum if voters protest. Section 40:12-15.8 - Propositions deemed approved by voters of municipality. Section 40:55D-136.4 - Existing government approval; extension period. Section 40:55D-27 - Citizens advisory committee; environmental commission. Section 40:11A-5 - Authority; commissioners; misconduct; removal, Section 40:11A-6 - Powers and purposes of authority, Section 40:11A-6.1 - Audit of accounts of parking authority annually; filing, Section 40:11A-6.2 - Certified copy of bond resolution and bond proceedings; filing. Section 40:48H-7 - Bond proceeds, certain, exempt from taxation. Section 40:56A-4.1 - Definitions relative to authorities, boards, commissions. Section 40:54D-25 - Issuance of bonds, notes. Section 40:45-18 - Municipalities with run-off elections; election of councilmen-at-large or commissioners or village trustees with less than majority of votes. A Promotion is defined as moving to a higher title as determined by the increase in experience or education needed to perform the job as outlined in the specification. A county or municipal appointing authority may elect to provide, through adoption of an ordinance or resolution, as appropriate, that employees in police and fire titles may exercise previously held demotional rights, pursuant to 4A:8-2.2 (f) against employees in any layoff unit in the jurisdiction. Section 40:14A-38 - Findings, declarations relative to utility improvements for sewers, Section 40:14A-39 - Definitions relative to utility improvements for sewers, Section 40:14A-40 - Conditions of final site plan approval, Section 40:14A-41 - Payments to professionals for services rendered to sewerage authority, Section 40:14A-42 - Maintenance, performance guarantee; cash requirement, Section 40:14A-43 - Disputes by applicant of charges made by professional; appeal, Section 40:14A-44 - Estimate of cost of installation of improvements, Section 40:14A-45 - Acceptance of performance, maintenance guarantee which is irrevocable letter of credit, Section 40:14B-4.1 - Name change to water reclamation authority, permitted, Section 40:14B-5 - Membership of joint municipal utilities authorities; staggered terms; vacancies, Section 40:14B-6 - Reorganization of sewerage authority, Section 40:14B-7 - Filing of recognition ordinance or resolution, Section 40:14B-8 - Filing of resolution appointing authority member, Section 40:14B-11 - Election of municipalities within county to become part of county district, Section 40:14B-12 - Separations from districts, Section 40:14B-13 - Dissolution of authority, Section 40:14B-13.1 - New sewerage system authorized. The Police Promotional class meets TWICE per week. Section 40:54-29.9 - Procedure for amendment of joint library agreement. Section 40:55D-146 - Provisions of development transfer ordinance. Section 40:66A-19 - Sale, lease, loan, grant or conveyance to incinerator, environmental services authority; permit. Section 40:62-26 - Municipal radio broadcasting stations; bonds, Section 40:62-27 - Separate fund for radio stations or convention halls in certain municipalities, Section 40:62-28 - Income placed in separate fund; control of fund, Section 40:62-29 - Use of income; reserves, Section 40:62-30 - Surplus used to meet bonds, Section 40:62-33 - Expenditures defined; payment of debts in instalments, Section 40:62-34 - Income not part of municipal funds; management; inapplication of "local budget law", Section 40:62-34.1 - "Municipal convention hall budget" and "municipal radio broadcasting station budget" in municipalities of 60,000 or over, Section 40:62-34.2 - Objections to and hearing on budgets, Section 40:62-34.3 - Time and place of hearing; notice, Section 40:62-34.4 - Adjournment of hearing; adoption of budget; alteration or amendment; notice, Section 40:62-34.5 - Time limit for adoption, Section 40:62-34.7 - Appropriations to be itemized, Section 40:62-34.8 - Emergency appropriations, Section 40:62-34.9 - Improvement of convention hall by municipalities bordering on ocean; issuance of special emergency notes, Section 40:62-34.10 - Filing of ordinance and statement of financing plan with Division of Local Government, Section 40:62-34.11 - Special emergency notes as general obligation of municipality; tax levy, Section 40:62-34.12 - Sale of notes; interest rate, Section 40:62-35 - May carry goods and passengers; acquisition of lands, buildings and equipment, Section 40:62-36 - Referendum; petition; submission by governing body, Section 40:62-37 - Copy of ordinance served; ballot; form and content, Section 40:62-38 - Notice and conduct of election, Section 40:62-39 - Procedure after adoption, Section 40:62-41 - Officers and employees; duties, compensation and removal; rates and regulations, Section 40:62-42 - Contract for work and materials; requirements, Section 40:62-44 - Extension of system; referendum; when necessary, Section 40:62-45 - Lease of system; term; referendum, Section 40:62-46 - Joint municipal transportation system; contracts, Section 40:62-46.1 - Cities of second class in counties of second class; public transportation service, Section 40:62-46.2 - Contracts for operation of public transportation service, Section 40:62-46.4 - Approval of contracts; filing; term, Section 40:62-46.5 - Contracts with other municipalities; ratification; approval, Section 40:62-46.6 - Effective date; duration of act, Section 40:62-61.1 - Extension of existing water system by municipality not owning system, Section 40:62-83.1 - Discontinuance of water or sewerage service where charges not paid, Section 40:62-96 - Water districts; establishment; works and pumping stations; contracts for supply, Section 40:62-97 - Notice to owners of lands affected; publication, Section 40:62-98 - Objections to ordinance; filing, Section 40:62-99 - Copy of ordinance filed with map, Section 40:62-100 - Bonds and other obligations, Section 40:62-101 - Water district assessments; exemption, Section 40:62-103 - Expenses of operation and maintenance; first year's expenses; notes issued. Section 40:54-29.18 - Capital improvements; certification of sums needed; apportionment of costs, Section 40:54-29.19 - Appropriation for capital improvements; borrowing, Section 40:54-29.20 - Consent to capital improvements; expenditures, Section 40:54-29.22 - Discontinuance of participation in joint library; notice; joint meeting of governing bodies, Section 40:54-29.24 - Discontinuance; form of ballot, Section 40:54-29.25 - Discontinuance; effect of majority approval; participation in joint library by remaining municipalities, Section 40:54A-1 - Authorization to create seaquarium authority; name, Section 40:54A-2 - Appointment of members; qualifications; terms; vacancies; conflict of interest; oath; compensation; officers; quorum; bonds, Section 40:54A-3 - Employees and assistants; compensation; selection; civil service; offices; records, Section 40:54A-6 - Resolution of governing body; investigation and report by authority. Section 40:55D-8.3 - Definitions relative to Statewide non-residential development fees. Section 40:45-15 - Ballots; printing and authentication; contents; delivery. Section 40:56-13.2 - Amounts of money to be expended for improvements established. Section 40:56-78 - Limitation on liability for injury to person or property due to movable structures, appurtenances, etc. Section 40:8-2 - Municipal airports; general powers. Section 40:48H-1 - Tax on motor vehicle rentals to finance redevelopment activities. Section 40:62-127 - Water rates and regulations. The Select Transaction screen will display. Section 40:55D-66.11 - Wind and solar facilities permitted in industrial zones. Section 40:23-6.52 - Acceptable forms of payment for road opening permits. Section 40:55D-15 - Notice of certain hearings. Section 40:55D-29 - Preparation of capital improvement program. U.s. Air Marshal SalaryMarshal salary in the United States is $88,863 Section 40:55D-50 - Final approval of site plans and major subdivisions. Section 40:33-8.1 - Purchases not requiring advertisements for bids, Section 40:33-8.2 - Free county library administrators, duties, Section 40:33-9 - Appropriations for establishment and maintenance; amount, Section 40:33-10 - Borrowing money in anticipation of library taxes; tax notes, Section 40:33-11 - Tax revenue notes or bonds for delinquent taxes, Section 40:33-12 - County treasurer custodian of library funds; payment of bills, Section 40:33-13 - Participation by municipalities, Section 40:33-13a - Withdrawal from county system, Section 40:33-13b - Withdrawal from county library system, Section 40:33-13.1 - Contracts with other municipalities for additional library service, Section 40:33-13.2 - Use of money received under contract, Section 40:33-13.2a - Authority to acquire real property or other interest; maintaining facilities; bonds; ad valorem taxes, Section 40:33-13.2b - Agreements with respect to provision, leasing, use, operation or maintenance; payments on account, Section 40:33-13.2c - Employee of county library system formerly employee of municipal free public library; classified service, Section 40:33-13.2e - County library study commission; establishment; petition; members; chairman; reimbursement of expenses, Section 40:33-13.2f - County library commission; duties, Section 40:33-13.2g - Offices; expenses; payment; employees, consultants and clerical staff; report of findings and recommendations; referendum question on reorganization of system, Section 40:33-13.2h - Question of reorganization; form on ballot; publication of report; vote necessary, Section 40:33-13.2i - "Branch Development Option. Section 40:54D-21.1 - Entrance into a marketing partnership; qualified business, authority, Section 40:54D-22 - Applicability of "Local Public Contracts Law.". Section 40:55D-160 - Sale of development potential associated with development easement. Section 40:55D-144 - Characteristics of sending zone. nj title 40 police promotionsbusiness mailbox rental. Section 40:54-29.3 - Joint free public libraries. Section 40:55D-53c - Acceptance of performance guarantee from successor developer. Section 40:48-1.7 - Private outdoor video surveillance camera registry. The state will transition to a new science test for grade 5, which will measure the new NYS P-12 Science Learning Standards taking effect in Spring 2024. nys science 8th grade science test 274 results Sort: Relevance View: Practice Review 8th grade Physical Science Test (NYS) by Lesson Universe 4 $3.00 Word Document File Apply for the Job in . Section 40:41A-37 - Powers of county executive, Section 40:41A-38 - Legislative power; exercise by ordinance; exceptions; exercise by resolution, Section 40:41A-39 - Chairman and vice-chairman; selection, Section 40:41A-40 - County executive at meetings, Section 40:41A-47 - Qualifications, appointment, term, Section 40:41A-52 - Legislative power; exercise by ordinance; exceptions; exercise by resolution, Section 40:41A-53 - Chairman and vice-chairman; election; duties, Section 40:41A-54 - County manager; rights at meetings, Section 40:41A-60 - Elected officers; governing body; definition; exercise of administrative or executive functions by county supervisor, Section 40:41A-61 - Qualifications, election, term, Section 40:41A-66 - Legislative power; exercise by ordinance; exceptions; exercise by resolution, Section 40:41A-74 - Qualifications, election, term, Section 40:41A-79 - Legislative power; exercise by ordinance; exceptions; exercise by resolution, Section 40:41A-80 - President and vice-president; election, Section 40:41A-87 - Appointments and dismissal; suspension procedure, Section 40:41A-88 - Elective officers; removal by recall petition and vote, Section 40:41A-90 - Signatures to recall petition, Section 40:41A-91 - Notice to officer; recall election; notice of filing of petition, Section 40:41A-93 - Removal of more than one officer, Section 40:41A-94 - Election of successor; use of recall ballot, Section 40:41A-95 - Laws governing recall elections; selection of candidate for successor of recalled incumbent, Section 40:41A-96 - Publication of notices of arrangements for recall elections; conduct, Section 40:41A-98 - Successor where incumbent resigns or is recalled, Section 40:41A-99 - Meetings of board; journal, Section 40:41A-100 - Rules of procedure; quorum; resolutions; compensation, Section 40:41A-102 - Recording of ordinances and resolutions, Section 40:41A-103 - Rules and regulations; filing; publication, Section 40:41A-104 - Petition; percentage of registered voters required, Section 40:41A-105 - Power of referendum; time for filing petition, Section 40:41A-106 - Petition papers; affidavits, Section 40:41A-107 - Filing of petition papers; examination; certification of result, Section 40:41A-108 - Amendment of initiative or referendum petition, Section 40:41A-109 - Suspension of ordinance, Section 40:41A-110 - Submission to board of freeholders, Section 40:41A-111 - Submission of ordinance to voters; withdrawal of petition, Section 40:41A-113 - Number of proposed ordinances voted upon; time between special elections, Section 40:41A-114 - Publication of ordinance, Section 40:41A-116 - Results of election; conflicting measures, Section 40:41A-117 - Division of county adopting a district representation system under section 40:41A-14c into districts, Section 40:41A-118 - District commissioners; certification of boundaries, Section 40:41A-119 - Meeting of district commissioners; division into districts, Section 40:41A-120 - Boundaries of districts; population difference.