ner yisroel news

40-having experience in both camps the sina isnt 2 way! where are the boys signatures or for that matter anybodys signature, I thought something odd , on tne lines the same as nu 2 , wss strange for ner yisroel to express themselves like this THANK YOU REBBE!!!!! about time NER YIDROEL had a pic of the Rebbe on the wall , a mikva , some mivzoyim going on there , Hiskashrus with the rebbe , a yechi sign etc! The Yeshiva gotta issue an apology and get rid of the bad staff. It is not on stationery from the school. Tomorrow, It was chalav Stam. Just like at YU there is a Chabad club and Oholei Tayreh bochurim go there every Thursday night to learn Chasidus with the students, same too with Ner Yisroel. I personally have a lot of respect for chabad activities as well as for the Rebbe. Is it justified? The chabad shluchim have been advocating for a moment of silence in public schools so that the children can be afraid of the eye that sees and the ear that hears. Chabad /Lubavitch intrigues them. about time NER YISROEL had a pic of the Rebbe on the wall , a mikva , some mivzoyim going on there , Hiskashrus with the rebbe , a yechi sign etc! I have two Boys in Mesivta, for all the Ner Yisroel students and graduates reading these comments, you should know my boys never spoke or heard in our home, summer camp or Yeshiva anything against any Gadol Batorah and Eidah in Klal Yisroel. if they had a Mezuzah checking station ,They should check their Mezozos ( personally I think they need to be fixed). What kind of chinuch-less chinuch did they receive? "Shulchan Aruch Harav (Jewish Law) - 5 minutes daily" Should one day 2) Unless I am mistaken, no one has reported that the boys who came to the Kaplan house showed anything other than genuine remorse and respect (no sarcasm or obnoxious smirking, giggling, etc.). Bochurim from Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore sent a hand-written letter to Maryland Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan regretting the Chabad mockery. ner yisroel news HAD ALL THE TALMIDIM IN THE GRADE SIGNED IT WOULD HAVE SOME VALIDITY. The Yeshiva attracts talmidim from communities around the world who wish to attain their full potential in Gadlus baTorah and Avodas Hashem. TA 12th Graders Fahered at Yeshivas Ner Yisroel (Photos) In the late 1950s, Toronto had a sizeable Jewish community, however, did not have a Yeshiva high school so that the parents wishing to give their sons a higher Yeshiva education after elementary school had to send them to other far away cities. Its totally ridiculous that it was put on social media. Kids who are raised in Frum Homes with Yiras SHamayim would not do this. Under the tutelage of the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu Harav Aharon Feldman shlita and Ner Yisroels acclaimed staff of outstanding rebbeim, talmidim are exposed to the breadth and depth of Torah while imbibing the hashpaah and hadracha, Your opinion counts so forgive them for their foolishness and try to only say good things and think good thoughts about every you. Yidden going to the Ohel etc. Its an excellent mossad just like Harvard is a great mossad. (sigh). #104 that is the worst thing u can do If it was Breslov nobody would bat an eye, im personally sad that this display went, Send bochurim to be mekarev them to Chasidus like at YU, Disgusted - Here is the Rabbi's info - HE needs to apologize and fix this, Article & Comments Are Worse Than Purim Shpeil. Spirited reigns in Ner Yisroels bais medrash, where talmidim in their critical, formative years spend three sedorim a day and beyond learning beiyun, bekius, and chazarah. These boys and teachers, principals are no different than those wearing swastikas. Sadness because, while their grandparents were in Litvisher Yeshivos working so hard with the self centered goal of becoming gedolim, our grandparents were in Russia risking their livesRead more . There is nothing new here and u can have whatever perspective of it you would like positive or negative or neutral but publicly inciting hatred against another yid is most probably an issur even on Purim. Were incensed, Many Bochrim there engage in Intense Torah learning by day and college at night, which has identified NI as tilting more to the left in the Yeshivisher world. When we were given the Torah we wereRead more , A real rachmanus on these boys that they are so misguided and are involved in such stupidity. Rabbi Sheftel Neuberger, president of the Ner Yisrael Rabbinical College in Baltimore, passed away this week after being ill for the past year, according to Jewish news sources. I couldnt agree more. the place looked so much better !!!! Shocking. They shouldnt be mocking & making fun of other Jews. The fact that the institution did not send out a formal letter with a stationary and the signature of the Rosh Yeshiva is a complete chutzpah to Lubavitch. 11th grade, in the middle of the night. Truly disgusting & sad. Amazed they spent so much time and effort ridiculing a tzaddik and his followers. The founding Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Ruderman ztl, was from Chabad roots. The hanhalah Its clear that lots of time was invested into tgese props, wasnt just a disrespectful joke. vycnievajuca hrudna kost; closest city to glacier national park Menu. To my fellow yid, living in 2018 this should not be happening. World with the Moshiach schtick. Just because you dont show it to them doesnt mean you dont feel or say how much fun you make of them and of their gedolim too. Sure there are some of us who need to brush up on our Ahavas Yisrael, but it would never fly for one of our moisdos to make a public anti anyone carnival. You are all very judgemental with your comments Good for the bochurim who went to apologize but it isnt that courageous like some other commentator thinks. Thats more than any of us have done for the jokes weve made. lets see them move hours away from any semblance of a frum community (shlichus) then well talk about apologies. the REBBE and his Chassidim whose whole purpose is to May we all be tolerant of those that are different from us and stay focused on doing what the Rebbe wants from us! They should issue an apology, WHEN HAMON WANTED YO KILL ALL THE JEWS HE DID NOT CARE ABOUT THEIR AFFILIATIONS OR IDEAS. It might not have been done Leshem Shomayim, but it accomplished getting pictures of the Rebbe in their Mesivta. Perhaps this will be the start of something good in a revealed way. March 2, 2023. Set up in classrooms all over the school and we are supposed to believe the Hanhola didnt know. I dont know how relevant it is whether the principal/rosh yeshiva knew what the bachurim were doing. What hiskashrus to a Rebbe is about. forgot to add They can start saying the Rebbes kapitel every day after davening for a start. And you even agreed that one thing was too obviouslyRead more , litvish bochrim have nothing to do on purim and are nebach very boredso they do childish things to keep themselves busy. I can get over the shtus of making fun of us but calling the Rebbe a chamor and mocking h directly is just beyond chutzpah. Preliminary report on fatal Provo airport crash released Heres their full letter as sent to As bochurim from Ner Yisroel, we want to express our desire for the achdus of klal yisroel. Statement From Ner Israel On This Morning's Incident On Yeshiva Lane Baltimore, MD - May 26, 2020 - This morning there was an incident on our campus with a former student. We must hold the leadership of Ner Israel responsible and accountable. If this is the hachana for Purim, imagine how empty Purim itself is. A freilechen, Many years agolike in 80s, I learned in a misnagdisheok, Ill be niceLitvishe Yeshiva and the guys were always laughing about mivtzoim, kiruv, Moshiach, chassidus and everything else the Rebbe taught us. "Shulchan Aruch Harav (Jewish Law) - 5 minutes daily" Should one day Amen after the Shliach Tzibbur says "Gaal Yisroel"? Litvish is false consciousnesses. We have to be better than that. I imagine this was done as a form of marbim bsimcha& that is truly sad. but who here would like their private thoughts and speech about the non-lubavitch world made public? There are known stories, real names/people, Biymei There are three events coming up in the coming months to see if they really changed their ways. He served for many years as Assistant Menahel to Harav Yosef Tendler ztl. Today, Israel News - Israel News, Analysis and Opinion on Israeli Politics, Business, Culture and Travel. The Shops At Riverwoods is located at 4801 North University Ave. (US Highway 189) in Provo, Utah at the base of the Wasatch Mountains near the entrance to Provo Canyon. They are sickening. May Hashem protect klal Yisroel. Does the Rosh think by calling Collive he is exempt from his responsibility. The 2 boys that delivered it are so sweet I hope the Shlucha invited them in for a cup of coffee and some chocolate Babka. I am a Lubavitcher, and as it so happens, I have been working on the Ner Yisroel Campus over the past year. It isnt right but it gave me a laugh! We can feel compassion for them and their twisted chinuch and be kind to them and understand that they are sweet boys with misguided mechanchim. As number 54 stated, we are busy preparing for Purim by practicing megillah, mivtzoyum, preparing mishloach manos, and so on. and i hate that i have to write this on Purim. I thank these bochurim. Every Lubavitcher should be personally offended that the only haphazard form of apology was a phone call to Collive. If they mark those occasions as is done in Crown Heights, then we will know for certain that they have changed. Follow up sessions to be held monthly for the next year, until the transition to a fully Chabad institution is complete. Just do what we should, vezehu. Be proud, ashreinu, and nebach, feel sorry for them. Every dollar quadrupled for 36 hours. Althoug it would be proper for them to apologize in general for the leitzanus of Chabad. Rabbi Simcha Cook, Menahel of Mechinas Ner Yisroel, admitted that the photos circulating on social media showing various displays about Chabad were authentic. Everyone should look in the mirror and ask what he or she can learn for his or her own avodah. Trust me, Ive seen this from the inside secretly theyd love to be a part of the action. Israel News - It is so sad to see a Rosh Yeshiva sticking up for a felons against chassidus. He should have just apologied instead of saying that others are culpable of the same sins, Where was the administration , the mechanchim etc. As has been mentioned previously, the Rebbe said that nowadays there are no more , just . How old are we?! Period. Put another . I think the Rebbe would be so ashamed !! as i shared in education the teacher Hey, look at it this way: The Alter Rebbe writes in Tanya Perek 2, that , rebellious sinners receive their nurture from Hashem through the Nasi HaDor, the Rebbe in a backwards way, .