One hallmark of all my work is that I never ask anyone to do anything that Im not doing. She worked with us over the course of several months and made the entire process so easy for us. Besides working toward a masters degree, I incorporated self-directed learning strategies to train myself how to communicate better. I leveraged the attention to open new publishing opportunities as a ghostwriter for high net-worth people I met in prison. "),Object.keys(e.queryString).forEach(function(t){"brokerageID"===t&&(r.withBrokerageID=!0),r.url=r.url.concat("".concat(t,"="),e.queryString[t],"&")}))}return r},reloadWithBrokerage:function(e,t){var r,a,n=null===e||void 0===e?void 0:null===(r=e.agentDetails)||void 0===r?void 0:null===(a=r.brokerageDetails)||void 0===a?void 0:a.entityID;if((null===t||void 0===t||!t.withBrokerageID)&&null!==t&&void 0!==t&&t.url&&n)return t.url.indexOf("&")>-1&&!t.url.endsWith("&")?t.url="".concat(t.url,"&"):-1!==t.url.indexOf("&")||t.url.endsWith("?")||(t.url="".concat(t.url,"? In one real estate adjacent narrative, Santos claimed during a 2020 meeting that he accidentally flipped a table onto Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman. Along with 12 others, I was an investor in a new project that the development team was bringing to market. I have $1.4 million tied up in that litigation now. I will record new developments in my career, and I started by participating in a program that profiled people that aspire to succeed after taking a face plant. Here is a link to the episode: Now I strive to teach others how they can bring a success mindset into their lives. Caroline Swaim Marketing Coordinator. Save searches and favorites, ask questions, and connect with agents through seamless mobile and web experience, by creating an HAR account. My credit score began to improve and I could qualify for additional financing through conventional lenders. Michael Santos with Vive Realty LLC is a real estate professional in TX. Tambler, General Santos City . I felt strongly that if I adhered to a disciplined, deliberate strategy, I would open opportunities in prison and upon release. Regardless of what bad decisions weve made in the past, at any time we can begin sowing seeds for a better, more prosperous life. Weve been told that those funds are frozen in an account at Bank of America. Browse active real estate listings for apartments to rent or houses for sale. Although I went to work for my father, I chased a faster life. Join Facebook to connect with Michael A. Santos and others you may know. Trump lied about the size of his airplane, how much money he had, the number of floors in his building, even his own height - and got away with it. Michael Fisseha. Desist and Refrain Orders for Unlicensed Activities - CalBRE - California As a young boy, I reluctantly accompanied my father to job sites. ("number"!=typeof e||e<0)){var t=new Date(null);t.setSeconds(e);var r=t.toISOString().substr(11,8),a=r.split(":");return{raw:e,hours:+a[0],minutes:+a[1],seconds:+a[2],formatted:r,formattedTrimmed:r.replace(/^0(?:0:0? A bachelors degree from Mercer University, A masters degree from Hofstra University, A long-list of published articles, chapters, and books. . Investment Portfolio - Michael Santos Michael Sevilla Santos in Ontario, California - Real Estate Agent Michael Delos Santos. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. A Blackstone spokesperson said Schwarzman . I would recommend her to anyone in the buying or selling arena. I co-founded Prison Professors, LLC with two partners, Justin Paperny and Shon Hopwood. On the day that I walked, I could rely upon the following credentials: Since I accumulated those resources from inside of a prison, I felt extremely confident that I could succeed in society. Michael Martinetti - Real Estate Agent in Westfield, NJ - Zillow Van Starling II Chapel Hill Managing Broker. Santos reported he was making $750,000 per year from his own company, the Devolder Organization, had $1 million to $5 million in savings and owned an apartment in Brazil worth up to $1 million. Read reviews, see agent listings, and contact for all your real estate needs. "satellite":"street",lat:d.latitude,lng:d.longitude,address:d.building?d.address:null}),!1)});if(n.paging||G.buildingSummary){I=Math.floor(u.aFrame.width()),u.ul.children("li").width(I),d&&d.secondaryImages&&(k=d.secondaryImages.length),void 0===L&&u.slyContainer.length?L=new window.Sly(u.slyContainer,{horizontal:1,itemNav:"basic",smart:1,mouseDragging:1,touchDragging:1,releaseSwing:1,swingSpeed:.1,scrollTrap:!0,speed:300,prevPage:u.iPrevious,nextPage:u.iNext,disabledClass:"slyDisabled",activeClass:"active",pagesBar:u.ulSliderPager,pageBuilder:function(e){return''.concat(e+1,"")}},{load:function(e){u.ulSliderPager.find("li").length>1?u.ulSliderPager.removeClass("hidden"):u.ulSliderPager.addClass("hidden")},move:function(e){var t,i;i=t=this.pos.cur=this.pos.end-I?this.pos.end-I-this.pos.cur:0,u.divOverlay.css("content").toLowerCase().indexOf("scroll")>-1&&2!==n.placardVersion&&(u.divOverlay.css("transform","translateX("+t+"px)"),>0&&u.divStatusBar.css("transform","translateX( ".concat(i,"px)")),u.divSecondaryStatusBar.length>0&&u.divSecondaryStatusBar.css("transform","translateX( ".concat(i,"px)")),u.divLikelihoodStatusBar.length>0&&u.divLikelihoodStatusBar.css("transform","translateX( ".concat(i,"px)"))));var a=Math.floor(this.pos.cur/I);a>x&&p(a,u),u.ulSliderPager.find(".active").prev().removeClass("dot_small_2").addClass("dot_small_1"),u.ulSliderPager.find(".active").prev().prev().removeClass("dot_small_1").addClass("dot_small_2"),u.ulSliderPager.find(".active").prev().prev().prevAll().removeClass("dot_small_2 dot_small_1"),u.ulSliderPager.find(".active").removeClass("dot_small_2 dot_small_1")},moveEnd:function(e){u.ulSliderPager.find(".active").nextAll().removeClass("dot_small_2").removeClass("dot_small_1")}}).init():"object"==typeof L&&"function"==typeof L.reload&&L.reload(),l=H.getBrowser();var C,P;V.get("noHoverEffect",!1)||u.aFrame.mouseenter(function(){C||R()}).mouseleave(function(){R.cancel()}),l.mouseover&&u.aFrame.mouseover(function(e){return P=!0,C||L.set("keyboardNavBy","pages"),!1}).mouseout(function(e){return P=!1,C||L.set("keyboardNavBy",0),!1}).mousedown(function(e){C=!0,_(document).on("mouseup.".concat(t),function(e){_(document).off("mouseup. George Santos' Alleged Ponzi Scheme Hurt Real Estate Agent They accused the developer of operating one of the largest real estate scams in the history of the FTC. (a({type:"multiArea.submit"}),!1):(z.$dom.input.parent(".form-group").addClass("has-error"),!1)})}function o(){z.$dom.container.addClass("open")}function i(){z.$dom.container.removeClass("open")}function c(){i(),z.$dom.input.val("")}function l(e){var t=z.$dom.input.val().toLowerCase();t&&t.length&&t.length>0?q&&t===q&&!0!==e?o():!0===e? View Michael Santos' profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Michael Santos Mindset Alexa Skill (coming soon!) Carole and I rented a condominium in a planned Irvine community. US House Ethics panel announces investigation into embattled lawmaker Former S.F. planning commissioner settles lawsuit against city for $1.8 We grew up as a close family of five. I invested in the effort, creating a personal narrative that detailed accomplishments that I made in prison. call 386.689.4684. business 386.689.4684 . House Ethics Committee Investigating George Santos For Financial Crimes I'm a real estate agent with Brandon Investment Properties in Daytona Beach, Florida and the nearby area, providing home-buyers and sellers with professional, responsive and attentive real estate services. But there is no telling how long it will take before we get our money back. By using the $2,000 I raised in prison, and margin loans that the brokerage house extended, I began investing in the leading Internet stocks of the day. When the Internet bubble burst, the concentrated, heavily leveraged positions I held in volatile stocks resulted in the loss of several hundred thousand dollars in equity. To reconcile with society, I would strive to contribute to the lives of others, in meaningful, measurable ways. He married my mother and they had my sister, Julie, on November 23, 1963. ").concat(r.substr(6,4)),s=n,c=n;return a.length>0&&(s="".concat(n," ext ").concat(a),c="".concat(n,",").concat(a)),{raw:e,digits:r,ext:a,withParentheses:n,withDashes:o,withDots:i,withExtension:s,withExtensionAsLink:c}},getPercentChange:function(e,t){if(e&&t){var r=(e-t)/t*100;return this.getPercent(r)}},firstLetterToUpper:function(e){if(e)return e.toLowerCase().charAt(0).toUpperCase()+e.toLowerCase().slice(1)},findUrls:function(e){var t=/((([A-Za-z]{3,9}:(?:\/\/)?)(?:[-;:&=+$,\w]+@)?[A-Za-z0-9.-]+|(?:www\.|[-;:&=+$,\w]+@)[A-Za-z0-9.-]+)((?:\/[+~%/.\w\-_]*)?\??(?:[-+=&;%@.\w_]*)#?(?:[.!/\\\w]*))? 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Anyone can begin a pathway to build prosperity. . ".5":".5+"),1!=e||t&&0!=t||(r.label="Bath")),r},getSqFt:function(e){return e? "Bed":"Beds"}:null},getBaths:function(e,t){var r;return e&&(r={raw:{full:e,half:t||0},string:e.toString(),label:"Baths"},t&&t>0&&(r.string+=1==t? Our Team | Listing Leaders NW Experience of overseeing hundreds of stock trades, with a cumulative value of more than $20 million. I would spend that year assessing my environment, but also sowing seeds to start my career. Amber Butterfield to Joaquim C Santos, 463 E. Mitchell Ave. Unit 463, $130,000. I wanted to participate in the new economy, and through my sister, I opened a brokerage account with an online trading company. By living deliberately, I created a success mindset. Following those prayers I found a philosophy book and I read about Socrates. Santos reported he was making $750,000 per year from his own company, the Devolder Organization, had $1 million to $5 million in savings and owned an apartment in Brazil worth up to $1 million. Click the boxes below to learn more about a journey that led me through 26 years in prison to successful, law-abiding, contributing citizen. Simply fill out the fields below and your PDF will be send to your inbox instantly! Home - Michael Delos Santos I engaged in vocabulary-building exercises. We ran into a deal breaking issue halfway into my closing process and he was excellent at working out a solution with me to bring the deal over the line. However, his unhealthy relationship with them takes its toll and he soon gets pulled . I used those resources to purchase two properties for $1 million in Riverside County. //# sourceMappingURL= Bernadette Santos. Since its a Google spreadsheet, you should view on a desktop computer because the file is too large to present on a mobile device: Each month I update a spreadsheet to track my assets, and I publish the spreadsheet on a Google doc. That experience brought the thrill of earning my first $1 million in equity, and the agony of watching hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equity disappear as the stock market crushed valuations of the equities I owned. Success in my first real estate investment also opened opportunities to begin building a case study and raising capital from unconventional sources. People Living at 7509 26 Lubbock TX - FastPeopleSearch Two of the best pubs are the James Joyce Irish Pub & Eatery, with 20 taps and Patchogue's best selection of Irish whiskies, and the Blue Point Brewpub, which will feature the full selection of . Michael is a former bank robber and career criminal who faked his death to retire and live a peaceful life with his family in Los Santos. While Carole and I continued to build our life together as a married couple, nurturing our relationship through weekly visits in prison visiting rooms. "".concat(e):"paint/paint.css")},set:function(e,t,r,a,n){var;e&&t&&o&&(o.setProperty("--".concat(e,"-hex"),t),"number"==typeof r&&"number"==typeof a&&"number"==typeof n&&(o.setProperty("--".concat(e,"-hue"),"".concat(r)),o.setProperty("--".concat(e,"-sat"),"".concat(a,"%")),o.setProperty("--".concat(e,"-lte"),"".concat(n,"%"))))}},converters:{rgb2hsl:function(e,t,r){var a=Math.max(e,t,r),n=a-Math.min(e,t,r),o=1-Math.abs(a+a-n-1),i=n&&(a===e? By working to educate myself, I would show others that I do not want to live as a criminal. Submit, 0&&"{"===e.substring(0,1)&&"}"===e.substring(r-1,r))try{t=JSON.parse(e)}catch(e){}return t},deleteNullProperties:function(e){return e? I have written offers where the buyer . . Send a Message . Skip page header and navigation. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 21 July, 2021. Michael Jackson Owner. 4 week or 30-day closing period. I opened that relationship while I was in prison . Had I not invested time to learn about business or the Internet, I would not have known how to invest. Rather than continuing to speculate in the market, I turned my attention back to writing. We encourage you to email/call/text for an appointment. Carole and I developed a friendship through correspondence. He stated that he had earned . (this.rightoffold(e,t,r,a)||this.leftofbegin(e,t,r,a)||this.belowthefold(e,t,r,a)||this.abovethetop(e,t,r,a))},findEdges:function(e){var t;if(e&&e.length){var r=e.offset();r&&(t={,left:r.left,,right:r.left+e.width()})}return t}},n.string={reverse:function(e){for(var t=e.length-1,r="";t>=0;r+=e[t--]);return r},getPrice:function(e){return e||0===e? D: 386.689.4684 O: 386.689 All I wanted was to get out of jail. Those bad decisions led me into the criminal justice system. Frances H Hardin Relatives: Mother, father, sisters, brothers, spouses and/or former spouses of Frances Hardin in Lubbock, TX.
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