solar return 8th house

It can be considered the beginning of the angular cycle because it is here that one sets down roots, establishes a path, and sets the tone for the next four years. Ive now updated this post to include a link to my post Planets in Solar Return Houses as the two posts give you the detail you need to start interpreting your own Solar Returns. The Solar Return Fifth House is where you go to have fun, which is a relief after all those family issues. So that makes 6 planets in the 8th house!!! Sex I really dont know what to say about this one. They are like family to me. starcrazypie astrology, Book Launch | Solar Returns: An Introduction. Interpreting the Solar Return - Llewellyn Worldwide The 8th house is the house of acute awareness of emotional forces and psychological powers. Work was fine. I will also have solar return uranus in opposition to solar return jupiter in 2nd house. . A Solar Return Chart is a special chart for your birthday year based on where you are on the day that the Sun is in the exact place that it was on the day you were born. The SUN in 9th House in yearly Solar Return Chart October 2016 Im finishing up a year when my Solar Return Sun was in my Eighth House. His memory, his body parts causing him problems and failing, crashing his car and finally admitting that its not safe for him to drive. you may lose someone (physically or mentally), you may gain money from others, you may gain money from heritage. PLUTO IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Your Yearly Horoscope Its where you feel a sense of belonging in a communal sense. October 2020 She mentioned the year 2019 in her OP, which I assume means that she is cognizant that this SR is for next year. Learn how your comment data is processed. Sex - The 5th House vs The 8th | ElsaElsa March 2023 Your relationships and what other people value will have a profound impact on your life. I pay a lot of attention to the north node, so if my north node is in the 8th house in Cancer, does that mean for my solar year, my growth will be to the 8th house and embracing Cancerian energy? Parents, Parenting, Families, Home, Houses, Land, Gardens, Nurture, Nature, Roots, Stability, Attachment, Food, Cooking, Kitchens, Lodgers, Tenants, Decorating, Repairs. I saw a physical regeneration that astonished me. February 2013 July 2020 The Solar Return First House is where you see yourself. Just a few things many leave out when talking about these: This stellium is not just about power and control but the fear of lacking them.The 8th House rules all things we perceive as out of our control, there's a reason those with this stellium seek as much power and influence as possible: They know what happens when one has no power. February 2020 May 2012 It is also the first house in the chart where you engage with the outside world usually your immediate environment or neighbourhood and you may be more involved in local issues this year. It reminds you that you need other people to help you to succeed in negotiating your way through life. Solar Return Ascendant Virgo : Your mental or intellectual activity Julia, will increase considerably this year. The emphasis is on learning , writing, studying, and thinking, but not necessarily applying or testing the information gained. If you're an eleventh house native, the eleventh house is an ongoing theme in your life. I think one of the best ways of describing the Solar Return Eighth House is as follows: it is transactional. The next four years can be dependent on what is established here in the 4th. They increase your ability to empower yourself. Solar Returns: Donald Trump's Solar Return Chart 2020, Solar Returns: The Best Way To Interpret the Planets. May 2018 Solar Returns: An Introduction is also available from, Scribd and other online bookstores, using this Universal Book Link (UBL). Changes that occur with the Sun in this house are anxiety-producing but not necessarily difficult. August 2017 Planets in the Solar Return First House indicate how you feel you need to be, right here, right now and that can mean a new beginning and paying particular attention to the matters signified by a planet in this house. Resulting, The 8th house is commonly associated with the earnings of others while the 2nd house is more indicative of your own earning power. The Solar Return Tenth House begins at the apex of your chart and its where your achievements become visible. Solar Return Charts are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. In my experience, The Solar Return Fourth House is very directly to do with all matters relating to the home and family as they are in the here and now. Jupiter in the 8th House - Fortuitous Entitlements - Astroligion - The demands of others can weigh heavily this year, especially if a family member or l, SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE When the Sun is in the 6th house of Solar return , there is an emphasis on health as well as work. return and it said that having uranus in the 8th house could mean a death of someone close if Uranus has bad aspects. It sounds like you have your SR houses lined up more or less with your natal houses. I frantically moved out of a house I love and into a much smaller place. The natal house placement of the Solar Return Ascendant ruler shows how the planet operates for the year. The idea was that I might be at some other spot on the planet at that exact moment and by traveling on my Solar Return birthday to somewhere else, it would change the position of the houses within my Solar Return Chart. February 2023 The thing is, while the planets for that day are in the same conjunctions, oppositions, squares, etc, regardless of where you are in the world, the houses can changea little bit, at leastif you travel, thereby putting a planet in a more favorable house. His Asc is Libra, with the moon in my sun sign Aquarius placed nicely in his SR 5th house (actually exactly conjunct my natal Mars at 10 degrees Aq.). October 2013 Family matters are found in the SR Fourth house and, as we know, there is nothing like family to stir up the emotions which they will do in this house. It was also about the death of a few key friendships, but to be honest, I dont miss them and am surprised at that. Their money. Also Read, Example Case study chart - sun in the 7th of Solar return Chart. 28/04/2016 Jessica Davidson. October 2018 The purpose of the Solar Return Ninth House is to broaden your mind and alter your world view during the course of the year. This house is filled with dream holidays on deserted beaches. March 2022 But I incorporate many modern innovations in my chart reading, some being the edmund jones patters, singletons, stelliums and such. I have heard dire warnings from astrologers to consider traveling just to make certain that my Solar Return Sun was either in the Seventh House of relationships and partnerships or in the Ninth House of education and travel. Seeing everyones retirement accounts drop and how people who planned to retire soon had to change their plans, I rethought how I look at retirement and realized that I probably never will. Hi Lorna- Wow, I cant believe you are already due for another 8th house solar return! A more positive interpretation of the 8th house energy for my solar year is immense transformation born possibly from pain. Instead the small business partnership I have with my father went bankrupt and my income was cut in half. The stress along the 2nd-8th axis, the preponderance of Cancer (another analogue for domestic focus *symbolically*) the oppositions along Cancer and Capricorn and the disposition of the Cancer stellium by the Aries Moon in 4th (conjunct Chiron) sounds like all the transformations, deaths and upheavals will be with regard to the 4th house - which this Solar Return indicates will be the broader area of focus for the year in question. Changes to the nature of your work will be shown here as placements in the Solar Return Sixth often give you a snapshot of issues affecting your daily life over the course of the year. When having any planets in the 1st house that planet tends to have a more noticable energy. Venus in the 8th House - Forbidden Love and Hidden Feelings The seventh house is ruled by the zodiac sign Libra and carries with it the planetary ruler, Venus. The 8th house rules sex for procreation. At times this position of the Moon can also suggest a period of sickness for a friend or a relative. The 6th house emphasis on practical application and testing information lays, The 3rd house rules factual data as well as superficial information without an immediate and obvious purpose . Drop your baggage after all, thats why you came here. October 2014 Venus in House Eight. May 2016 April 2012 It is hard to predict a death in the family, but after studying this years chart, my Solar 8th house is in Taurus, Venus in the 9th. December 2011 How You Will Die, According To Astrology, Pluto And The 8th House Ideas abound, and you are open to looking at life, The 9th house is the house of beliefs. I lean toward the traditional approach to chart interpretation, one of the more straightforward reasons being that you cannot side-wind your way out of an incorrect read of the chart -- if you say something about the finances of a person, then it is easily verifiable that the statement made about the financial situation of an individual is either correct or incorrect. Chiron in the 12th house can indicate either mental illness or psychism. When many of us think about creativity, the tendency is to assume the concept refers only to artistic creativity. This can indicate a proclivity to die through some debilitating illness. In 2015 I've got the sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury in the 8th house, with the Sun, moon and Venus squaring Saturn in Scorpio (WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE GET BACK TO SAGITTARIUS I'M CALLING YOUR MOTHER). I don't "play" sex. The 8th house also represents power, secrets, sex, trust, and money. crisis make you grow up in this year. This assimilation process is essential to the individuals multidimensional growth. 8th House Stellium: Fusion of Planets in the House of Death This will be a year where you encounter things foreign to you and that may include people and/or languages. Your best Solar Return Chart - Lindaland - Linda Goodman In my experience, in a year where your Solar Return Ninth house is prominent, long distance travel is a common result. Is that something you've been doing? Who knows? So will you improve your assets or be a complete liability? Death Death is probably the biggest concern when it comes to the Eighth House. Death in this years Solar return I just want to get you guys' input on this and try to clear my mind/conscious. I'm still pretty new to astrology in general, but especially new to the idea of the solar return chart, so I'd love any insight into possible significant themes. I was recovering from a heartbreak that happened about 6 wks before my bday, but the year itself was rather quiet. I say that without passing judgement. Ok, before I continue analyzing, lemme make sure I am actually doing it correctly Well it seems I was wrong. Not to mention step-children, profits and personal aspirations. January 2015 though others might try to persuade you otherwise. But it is also possible to realize the fulfillment of a strong belief in your own abilities. June 2021 Any place but in the Eighth House! Partnerships, Contracts, Relationships, Legal Matters, Business Relationships, Professional Relationships, Negotiations, Commitments. One thing I have noticed about the Solar Return Seventh House is its immediacy the relationship it points towards will be significant in your life even if temporarily so. Manipulation only traps everyone involved. November 2017 64 people love it! Ok, now here's my actual 2018-2019 solar year chart. Alternatively, this Chiron in the 12th house placement can also have to do with an incarceration of some kind. Me, Too: The Day my Parents Killed the Pedophile, The Conflict Between Motherhood and CareerStill, Spiritually Eclectic and Pagan Blog Directory. June 2016 These reflect Second House possessions issues (on the opposite side of the chart) but were more about transforming my ideas on money. Possibly a complete overhaul and recapturing of my power IF utilized? I will have to pay more on insurences . Indicators for a New Relationship in the Solar Return Chart March 2015 January 2022 When the solar return Sun is in the 5th house , you are more apt to express your true nature. You would probably be doing that no matter what your solar return is like, but this year sounds strong for it. Your intuition will be important for the year ahead. Most definitely a year of transformation but not in a bad way at alland thats after being at a nicely serene and happy place in my life the previous year. April 2018 Soothe yourself with music, art, a good book, the theatre or cinema losing yourself in another world does not have to be expensive or illegal. Here is a good discussion on solar returns , which at the bottom of the first page begins the discussion on using the birthplace vs. using the location at the time of the birthday. at which zodiac sign and what planet is in your seventh house via your natal chart solar return chart of your birthday. It fosters the union necessary to fulfill the task at hand. . What to expect? Not your standard family holiday type of travel but a journey to somewhere that you consider alien, unfamiliar and more challenging to you than your more usual destinations. Theorist. December 2021 I was able to make changes in my retirement accounts before I lost major bucks in the stock market, so that part was good. If you are not already a putative Leonardo da Vinci, then you certainly wont become one during a year that gives prominence to your Solar Return Fifth House. The Solar Return Sixth House is where you work. This does not mean, however, that a heavily tenanted Solar Return Twelfth House will turn you into a substance abuser your previous life history will be the most important factor in this. The ashrams, temples and bars you visit on your quest for spiritual enlightenment are also found here. Optimism, World View, Travel, Higher Education, University of Life, Intellectual Development, Understanding, Perspective, Long Distance, Foreigners. Lost yet? Solar Returns (SR) - Astrology Guide Big Changes: Solar Return Sun in the Eighth House (Applied Astrology November 2022 The First House in an Astrological Chart has always been described as the face you show to the world. Significant relationships will be lit up by the Solar Return Seventh House but they are just as likely to be business or professional or contractual in some way. T, he Solar ReturnThird House often indicates mobility and mental flexibility. February 2016 A need to discover your authentic self. After the fun of the Fifth House, perhaps its only natural that the Sixth House should bring you back down to earth. You dont become a different person, the persona shown by your Natal Chart is still there, however it has a temporary overlay which results from changes in how you feel about yourself during the Solar Return Year. Im trying to prepare now because I know one can feel the energy 3 months prior to your birthday which means I only have 1 more week to prepare . And pay your dues. I had an eclipse on my bday a few years backnot an 8th house year, though. Do You Love Yourself? It may not display this or other websites correctly. However, because Solar Returns generate a temporary chart only lasting for one year interpreting the house positions of your planets in Solar Returns will be different from the meanings you will be familiar with from your Natal Chart. Work is, after all, the rent you pay for life. Addictions of all types fill this house and the Twelfth House makes no distinction between meditation and marijuana. July 2021 Hospitals, Drugs, Alcohol, Addiction, Shadows, Physical Therapy, Psychological Therapy, Dreams, Escapism, The Past, Dream Holidays, Beaches, The Sea, Sailing, Undercurrents, Cinema, Music, Dance, Trance, The Soul. If youd like to check my Solar chart, my Natal data is: June 7, 1951, Burbank, CA 9:50 am PDT. This placement is the single most important indication of a major transition in the solar return chart. August 2016 Lilith can be likened to. My observation of people I know with eleventh house suns is that they tend to be community oriented. There is an openness to new knowledge and a willingness to consider new topics that lead to mental expansion. Sun conjunct Uranus in my chart that year but relationships were the only bumpsmost pretty boring except 1 brief one where his daughter/pre-teen princess disapproved of me and he went poof. Astrologers use the term " PLUTO IN THE 8TH HOUSE of Solar Return " to describe a particular Astrological Reading technique of observing the moving planets forward in YEARLY BASIS. August 2022 My best solar return i had Jpiter in the 11th house, I had lots of friends and a good social life. This house is where you feel optimistic. To. September 2020 The stress along the 2nd-8th sounds very much related resources and ownership, what is yours vs. what belongs to others and things within that remit. I'd suggest this is a spiritual cleansing. The Jupiter Return Jupiter returns to its natal position around every 12 years so you have a Jupiter return roughly at age 12, 24, 36, 48 and so on. You wish to earn more but you may risk making the wrong move (like asking for a loan that is more than you can afford to repay). Part of Fortune in 8th House - Jessica Davidson A chart is cast for that day when the Sun matches its position on the day of my birth and its like a natal (birth) chart for the entire yearyep, with planets and houses and everything.